Thursday, October 27, 2016

Quotient Rule 10/27/16

Hi all! Here are the class notes on Product Rule (blank version) and Quotient Rule (blank version).
(you can click on Product Rule for the notes and "blank version" for the original sheet- they are two different links. Also, don't forget to log in to your Billerica email to access these.)

Your homework for Monday is to complete the Quotient Rule worksheet.

Have a great weekend!
Mr. Yoon

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

More Rules... 10/25/16

I was so impressed to have you all write the product rule yourself... Maybe we will call that rule Michelle rule!

Here are the three worksheets we worked through including last night's homework, today's classwork on higher order derivatives, and product rule

Here are the blank ones.

Your homework for Thursday is:
- Finish Product Rule worksheet
- STUDY for an assessment (quiz) on: Definition of Derivative and Basic Derivative Rules (Constant rule, constant multiple rule, and power rule)

Please let me know if you have questions or want to come by for extra help!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Basic Derivative Rules!! 10/24/16

Basic Derivative Rules!! That was cool... wasn't it?

Here is homework sheet with answers in the back. We are going to have an ASSESSMENT on the definition of derivative and these basic rules for derivative on Thursday. 

Have a great day! ~ Mr. Yoon

Basic Derivative Rules!!

Basic Derivative Rules!! That was cool... wasn't it?

Here is the homework sheet with answers in the back. We are going to have an ASSESSMENT on the definition of derivative and these basic rules for derivative on Thursday. 

Have a great day! ~ Mr. Yoon

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Using the definition of derivative...

Good work today, everyone! I am glad we got a good amount of practice in, and I hope you feel a bit more comfortable after today's class. I know I shoved a lot of information there, but I will try to give you guys a bit more group work or rest to break the 85 minutes up. Have a wonderful weekend, and please check out these resources if you missed them:

- We mainly did problems on Classwork page and Derivative 1 which was last night's homework.
- Completed Notes from today: Classwork and Derivative 1
- Homework:Finish Derivative 1 worksheet and Derivative 2 Worksheet (complete just the front #1-12 for Derivative 2 wkst)

Let me know if you need help and want to come in on Friday or Monday!

Mr. Yoon

Class 10/18

Hi everyone, thanks again for your attention- I know things can still be a bit blurry with the definition of derivative. Please do your best and bring specific questions!

Click on the following to access....
Homework (just the first side)

See you on Thursday!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thank you for your participation during our first class. I am excited for many more to come! I wish we had more time to talk about the slope of the tangent line, but take a look at this video. Since you have another piece of homework, just watch the first 5 minutes of this video. This will help our understanding! ~Mr. Yoon

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Welcome to our gathering place blog! I would love to get to know you more... Would you please take a bit of time and fill out this form? Thank you! ~Mr. Yoon